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Avoiding lengthy divorce battles is best for children

Nobody said divorce was easy. Even the smoothest divorce with the least amount of conflict is bound to be difficult, stressful and heartbreaking. After all, if there was no tension between a couple, there wouldn’t be a divorce. However, the way each person handles the conflict can make the difference between a split that is over fairly quickly with as little grief as possible, to a battle that can last weeks, months or even years. Common divorce issues in Connecticut, such as alimony and property division, can be difficult to sort out; even those sharing the goal of coming to a swift and agreeable resolution will usually need the help of an attorney, and sometimes other professionals, to help them reach a conclusion.

When children are involved, it’s more important than ever to keep anger and bitter feelings under control – at least in front of the kids. According to the Chicago Tribune, many people across the U.S. are turning to alternative forms of dispute resolution, such as mediation and collaboration, to end their marriages. In many cases, these methods can be more cost-effective than a litigated divorce, but the main advantage to an amicable divorce is how it affects the children. Divorce is almost always harder on the kids than it is on their parents, and it’s important for their long-term well-being to get through the process with the least amount of conflict possible.

Lengthy high-profile divorce battle estranges kids from their father

In the well-publicized divorce of former Connecticut investment adviser David Zilkha and his ex-wife, the couple received their divorce in 2005 after a two-year court process, says USA Today. However, the battle rages on, as both sides accuse each other of lying to authorities an d libel during their ongoing dispute over child visitation and legal fees. The father hasn’t seen his 12-year-old twins in four years, stating the visitation conditions cost over $5,000 with each visit. The judge in their case said that cases that spin out of control are especially hard on the children involved.

With mediation, a certified mediator or attorney with experience mediating divorces can help the couple talk through their issues and reach resolutions both can agree on. In a collaborative divorce, each spouse has his and her own attorney, and can use counselors, financial advisors and other professionals to help them reach a conclusion. Uncontested divorces work best when each spouse is able to treat the other with patience and respect; in some cases, it may be unavoidable to go to court to solve disputes.

Getting help from an attorney

While most people can agree that it’s better for everyone involved, especially the children, to harmoniously work together to reach the best resolution possible, it’s a good idea to consult with an experienced divorce attorney to ensure your rights are protected.

At the Law Offices of Robert B. Fried, we represent clients in the cities of Hartford, Middletown, West Hartford, Rocky Hill, Glastonbury, Wethersfield, Simsbury, Vernon, Enfield, South Windsor, New Britain and Farmington, and in the following counties in Connecticut: Hartford, Middlesex and Tolland.
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